Mission Statements and Vision Statements

Mission StatementMission Statement

Personal Mission Statements and Vision Statements


It is important to create both mission statements and vision statements for your personal development.

Your mission statement represents your values and principles, and becomes a personal constitution that creates your mindset on how you want to live your life.

Your vision statement is your depiction of your life in the future. It is essentially a description of how you picture your future to be and about the person you want to be become. Its purpose is to give you direction and focus as you pursue your dreams and goals.



Statements Defined

Mission Statement

Your personal mission statement is an individual statement that declares who you want to be, what you want to do, and the values and principles upon which your life is based. It is a concise, easy to remember statement that guides your actions and behaviors.   It essentially describes how you want to live your life.

Vision Statement

Your personal vision statement is your depiction of your life in the future. It is a vivid and inspirational description that creates a mental picture of how you want your life to be in the future. I may be 10 years, 20 years, or even further in the future. I may describe where they will be professionally, financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.



Benefits of creating both statements

Mission statements and vision statements are complementary to each other. Vision statements describe where you want to be and what you want to be doing in the future, while mission statements represent how you want to live your life.

Both statements are designed to be used as a tool to encourage you to consciously reflect on who you want to become and what you want to achieve during your lifetime.  A mission statement is reflective of who you are and your sense of calling or purpose in life. A vision statement gives you direction and helps you focus as you set goals on the direction you want to head.

Both statements are helpful when the way becomes hazy or if you need to make a major decision. To be able to return to a written statement of your purpose in life and your ultimate goals can be very helpful to ensure you continue on your desired path.