Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

Your personal mission as something you discover, rather than something you create. The statement you craft is reflective of what you discovered within yourself.

A mission statement is not something that is written in a day. Committing a personal mission to writing can takes weeks or even months to complete. It takes thoughtful introspection, careful analysis, and usually several drafts to produce a final sense of purpose. The process of Self Discovery will help you gain insight into your purpose.

To write a mission statement that is reflective of who you are and what your sense of calling or purpose is in life, you must take the time to ponder many things. Therefore, when you begin to craft your statement, plan on spending time totally alone. Find a quiet place to contemplate. Get away from distraction of everyday life. This solitude will help you get in touch with what matters most to you. Without interruptions, you can increase your self-awareness by asking yourself a series of questions to help you gather information about your values and dreams.

Points to Ponder

To get you thinking about the development of your mission statement, spend some time contemplating the following questions:

  • Who do I want to be?
  • What do I want my life to be about (Purpose)?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I hope to achieve in life?
  • What do I stand for (Principles)?
  • What are the values that I hold most near to my heart?
  • How do I want to impact the lives of others?
  • What do I want people to say about me?
  • How do I want people to remember me when I am gone?
  • What actions can I take to reveal my purpose and my values?


Using your Answers

The answers you develop through reflection on these questions will be the basis of your personal mission statement.

Most mission statements are simply a sentence or a brief paragraph. It should be a concise statement that represents the person you want to become and your core values. Most statements will start with “To” or “I will.” Some people will write a concise statement that encompasses his or her universal life philosophy, while others will write a more elaborate statement that addresses several aspects of his or her life including relationships, financial, spiritual, physical, and professional.



After you have drafted your first version, review it, think about it, and make notes and revisions. After you have a chance to make some changes, create a second draft and then again review that for possible modification. Remember this is your philosophy or motto so you what to make sure it accurately represents you, your values, and your purpose in life. Once you have formed a permanent statement, post it where you will see it daily so that it can inspire you.